Samsung Firmware

Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6

Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6

Samsung j260f flash file firmware u6

samsung j260f flash file firmware u6

How To Flash

Follow these steps to enter Download Mode/Odin Mode

Power off your device
Press and hold Volume Down key, tonic key and Power Key
When your device vibrates, release Power key while keep holding the quantity Down key and residential key


Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6

Warning before getting into download mode

In the initiative cut your phone by holding the facility key for a cpuple of seconds. Then press and hold together Volume Down + Bixby + Power button a few seconds.
After that, you ought to see a menu with two options. Finally, enter Download Mode by pressing Volume Up


Connect your device to PC.

Your device should be automatically recognized by Odin. At the lower-left of the Odin interface, it should show a message that says “Included! “Added!” and within the meantime, you ought to see a light-blue box at the ID: COM section stating “COM:3” (the number depend upon which USB port you’ve got plugged the device cable and is irrelevant).

Odin 3 2

Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6

Click “PDA” or “AP” to feature the tar.md5 file that you “Start”.

Whether it’s “AP” depends on the version of Odin that you simply used. But the md5 file goes to either “AP”.


Add *.md5 to Odin.

adding the file, click “Start” the flashing process.

After adding the file click start to begin the flashing process

Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6

Click “Start” to flash


After adding the file click start to begin the flashing process

Ongoing flashing process. don’t remove your device.

When the flashing process is completed, you ought to see an enormous green box saying “RESET” or “PASSED” (depends on the version of Odin is used). By now, the device should be rebooted and it’s safe to remove/unplug your device.

A2zflashfile. Com

Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6

Flash succeeded.

Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6

Samsung J260F Flash File Firmware U6
J260FXXS6ATD2 8.1.0 4File
Download Link:: Link

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Raja Shoaib

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